Central Intermediate Unit 10

Bee-Bot Hive (6 Individual Bee-Bots)

Bee-Bot Hive.jpeg (39.9 KB)
Subject Elementary School STEM Device Beebots
Bee-Bot is an exciting robot designed specifically for use by young children. This colorful, easy-to-operate, and friendly little robot is a perfect tool for teaching sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and just having fun! The new See & Say option gives Bee-Bot a voice and perception! Record each of the arrow keys to play back when entering a program or when Bee-Bot is following one. 

NOTE: To preserve battery life, try not to leave 'bots charging after they have been fully charged. Bee-Bot eye light indicators: • Green left eye – Charging • Green left eye switches OFF – Fully charged Bee-Bot See & Say eye light indicators: • Flashing Red – Low battery: needs charging • Solid Red – Charging • Solid Green – Fully charged

Each Rental is for 1 Hive which includes 6 individual Bee-Bots
Hive #1- 8200 (Only Hive Labeled) (Benner) Hive #2- 8201 (Only Hive Labeled) (CenClear) Hive #3- (only 5 Beebots) 11013, 11014, 11015, 11016, 11017 (broken),11018 (Benner)
30-day Availability
 100% available


New requests are checked against existing commitments to ensure we're able to fullfill them all.

March 5 - 19: (3) Checked Out
October 17 - November 14, 2024: (1) Returned
September 7 - December 22, 2023: (2) Returned