Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 IMS

Mobile Device Kit Accessory Crate (MERGE Cubes & AR Card Sets)

AR_Accessories.jpeg (8.33 KB)
Device AR/VR Merge Cubes Inventory Supplies
These accessories are for specific apps for the Mobiel Device AR/VR Kit. You can find the list of apps that require accessories on this spreadsheet. Both accessory kits contain the same materials, with the exception of Kit #1. 
Use of this requires the Mobile Device AR/VR Kit.
30-day Availability
 100% available


New requests are checked against existing commitments to ensure we're able to fullfill them all.

May 1 - 16: (1) Confirmed
April 16 - May 16: (1) Confirmed
March 10 - April 30: (1) Received
March 4 - 17: (1) Received
February 17 - March 3: (2) Returned
January 3 - 24: (2) Returned
October 24 - November 7, 2024: (1) Returned
March 4 - 29, 2024: (1) Returned
November 21 - December 8, 2023: (1) Returned
November 20 - December 11, 2023: (1) Returned
October 16 - November 20, 2023: (1) Returned
September 25 - October 25, 2023: (1) Returned
July 24 - August 11, 2023: (1) Returned
April 10 - May 1, 2023: (1) Returned
February 16 - March 2, 2023: (1) Returned
November 20 - 21, 2024: (1) Held
November 14 - 19, 2024: (1) Held