Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit 16

ClassVR Classroom Bundle

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ClassVR headsets provide a safe and secure way for students to explore VR & AR in the classroom with the teacher keeping full control over each device. From a comfortable VR experience using the adjustable head straps to the intuitive and simple to use interface and controls, ClassVR headsets have been designed specifically for students of all ages.

The ClassVR Portal ensures teachers can confidently manage students and add value to lessons when using VR & AR in lessons. Easily search and build VR playlists using the drag and drop functionality, deliver lessons simultaneously and guide students through experiences using set dynamic points of interest. Teachers are always in control and the real-time class view provides full visibility of what and where their students are exploring in the headsets.

Check out this complete list of all available resources & experiences from ClassVR. Please note that some may not be part of the subscription that CSIU has purchased.

Classroom Bundle Includes:  8 VR Headsets, 8 Controllers, Set of AR Cubes
30-day Availability
 100% available


New requests are checked against existing commitments to ensure we're able to fullfill them all.

March 17 - 31: (1) Checked Out
February 28 - April 24, 2024: (1) Returned