Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit 16

MWEE Climate & Weather Kit

MWEE Climate & Weather.jpeg (2.76 MB)
Subject Ecology Energy Environmental Literacy MWEE Science Technology
The Climate and Weather kit includes sensors from the Pocket lab and PASCO.  The Pocket Lab is a portable scientific tool that integrates multiple sensors and data logging capabilities, enabling users to collect and analyze various environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and more.  The PASCO air quality kit offers a comprehensive set of sensors and software tools for monitoring and analyzing air quality parameters. By measuring factors such as particulate matter, carbon dioxide levels, and volatile organic compounds, the kit enables users to assess indoor and outdoor air quality, identify potential sources of pollution as well as electricity use and infrared photos to make informed decisions to promote healthier environments.

* Users will need to add applications to iPad or computers to use some of the sensors.

Click this document link for a list of equipment you will get when borrowing this MWEE kit

Recommended Grade Levels: 3-12
30-day Availability
 100% available


New requests are checked against existing commitments to ensure we're able to fullfill them all.

December 15 - 31, 2023: (1) Returned
February 22 - March 11: (2) Held